This straightforward, down-to-earth commentary is ideal for the non-academic. The revised and updated fourth edition is based on the simplicity and clarity of the NIV text.
For fifty years the New Bible Commentary has served Bible readers worldwide. This 21st Century Edition builds on the strengths of the previous three:
Designed to meet the needs of today, the New Bible Commentary is based on the simplicity and clarity of the NIV text, and makes use of recent international scholarship: 80% of the articles are entirely new and the rest have been rewritten. New maps, diagrams, charts and tables illuminate the text, and further reading lists are included with each article. 1,455 pages, from IVP.
Comprising articles on what the Bible is and how to read it, this text features an introduction to each book and commentaries dividing the text into sections for ease of reference.
"The New Bible Commentary offers a clear and concise explanation of the meaning of every book and every passage in the Bible, and all in one volume. It represents decades of sound biblical scholarship made accessible to the 21st century reader. It is an absolute gold mine. Every serious reader of the Bible should own a copy." - Rev Dr Mark Stibbe, Vicar of St Andrews Church, Chorleywood, UK